Gloria Sadoff Landy

Gloria Sadoff Landy is a tireless activist for the Jewish people. A delegate of the World Council of Conservative/Masorti Synagogues to the United Nations, she has worked in this capacity to further develop international Holocaust education. She helps to fight anti-Semitism and intolerance. She is on the Governing Board of World Jewish Congress and a Director of United Synagogue. She is past President of the New Jersey Poetry Society and writes poems with Jewish themes in English and Yiddish.

Gloria began her life of activism at the Old Broadway Synagogue. Her parents, Riva and Sam Sadoff were leaders in the congregation and before the High Holidays, Gloria’s mother went from store to store in Harlem to raise money for the synagogue. When Israel came into existence, Gloria parents also worked hard to raise money for the new state. Gloria’s many activities continue and honor her parents’ efforts on behalf of the Jewish community and Israel. Photo by Jill Huber, with permission of New Jersey Jewish News (

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