About Us
The Old Broadway Synagogue is the home of an intimate, warm, diverse orthodox congregation located in the West Harlem neighborhood of Manhattanville, a few blocks north of Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary. In addition to regular Shabbos and holiday services, the Synagogue has Sunday morning davenning a popular shiur with Daniel Fridman, an outstanding rabbinical student at Yeshiva University. The Synagogue also hosts a hot kiddush every week, holiday meals, and a speaker every month. We invite you to join us!
Our 100th Anniversary Dinner
The Chevra Talmud Torah Anshei Marovi, the Hebrew name for the Old Broadway Synagogue, was founded in 1911 in West Harlem. In 1923, we constructed our building on Old Broadway, hence the name “Old Broadway Synagogue.” We invite you to celebrate with us our first century at our 100th Anniversary Dinner, which will take place at 6:00pm on Wednesday, November 2, 2011 in the Events Hall of the Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. The Events Hall is a beautiful space that overlooks the Statue of Liberty and New York Harbor. The dinner will honor Jewish and community activists Gloria Sadoff Landy, Dale Brown, Avi Terry and Paul Radensky.

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